Cha Cha Cha Cha Changes……

June of this year, I was discovering how more and more of the emails I sent from my [email protected] email, were not arriving to the intended people. Friends would say how they found one in their junk/spam mail folder, or never at all.  Turns out my website had been hacked and I was relegated to the internet “contaminated” list. Then maybe my desktop computer was contaminated…..

Sadly, what I am going through, may mirror what our country and world are going through…. massive cyber attacks. Taking the advice of my hosting service, I had my five year old Dreamweaver website “cleaned”, bought new security, a SSL certificate, and rebuilt my site with WordPress so I could update the security of it regularly.  (I am testing out this new site at before I swap it into

I have been resisting WordPress for many years as it has a built in blog post and I am not a blogger, though I send out a newsletter of new classes six times a year or so.

I just turned 65 this year, medicare and everything like that. “Silver Sneakers”at my local YMCA let’s me take Yoga and Tai Chi classes for free.

Maybe I do have a few things to say…..