Are you curious about this type of painting?
You begin the painting without knowing what the final image or theme will be as you open to your unconscious, and through the process, allow an image to emerge.
The time spent with these pure colors and liquids is rejuvenating to the body and soul

In person class 2-4 PM,
Sunday, May 4th or June 8, 2025
Fee: $40 all materials provided
Call Donna at 612-518-2378 or email [email protected] for information and registration
(Pre-registration is required for the class to be held
Single Session Classes at the Edina Art Center
Friday, 1 – 3 PM, April 25, May 9, May 30, June 27, July 18, or August 8,
Contact The Edina Art Center for registration and information.

Call Donna at 612-518-2378 or email [email protected] for information and registration
(Pre-registration is required for the class to be held)
All Classes (except for Edina Art Center) are held at my studio space at the Casket Arts Carriage House, #302, located behind the main building beside the grain elevators, 1720 Madison St. NE, Mpls., MN 55413